The partner program of Softwarenetz
Recommend us to others

Welcome to the Softwarenetz partner program

The Softwarenetz partner program enables you to distribute 1-EUR vouchers to those who are interested in our programs. We pay you 10% of the net purchase price for every program which is being sold with your voucher-number. Exluded are: dealer products, additional charges for Box-version, magnetic card reader device, magnetic cards and shippings costs.

You can advertise on your website or recommend one of several of our programs. E.g. you are the owner of a website/forum about bookkeeping issues. A link to the Softwarenetz Cash Book and Invoice would be of great interest to the visitors of your website/forum.

Offer the free download of our programs. Your visitors can test the software for 30 days free of charge and without any conditions.

Every partner will receive an unique partner number. Through this number our system will 'know' which programs have been sold through this partner number and you will receive a provision of 10% of the net purchase price.

Please enter your partner-ID on every link to our website.

Your partner-ID is: 283

The link on our homepage is:

E.g. the link directly to the Budget Book would be::

Describe one or several of our programs on your website. Offer a free download of our software, show screen shots, etc.


All programs of Softwarenetz can be downloaded free of charges and can be tested for 30 days. In case you would like to continue with the program, you need to purchase a licence number. In case you recommend a program to somebody else, he/she will probably download the program within the next few days and test it. Additionally he/she will buy a licence number directly via our website. In this case you will not receive any provision.

To prevent this for happening, we have developped our voucher-system. Give away an 1-Euro-voucher to those who are interested in our programs. He/she needs to enter the voucher-number into his order and he/she will receive 1 Euro discount. Based upon the voucher-number we can see which programs have been sold and pay you 10% of the net purchase price.

Your voucher number is: 71342322

The voucher number is valid for all programs. In case an interested person buys more than one program, you will receive 10% of the total net purchase price.

You can use the voucher number any way you like. E.g. you can create a voucher-graphic or you describe one or several of our program on your website.

Cash up your provision

You will receive 10% provision of the net purchase price of every sold and paid licence number. We only pay for paid orders!

Companies who can deduct VAT will receive the payment of 10% of the net purchase price plus the legal VAT-%. To prove that you can deduct the VAT we need your VAT-ID. Please enter your VAT-ID in your account-settings

Privat persons and small businesses receive 10% of the net purchase price.

We pay the provision at the end of every month. You can find all cash ups under [Cash up]. We pay the provision when the amount is more than 10,00 EUR. In case the amount is less than 10,00 EUR we will transfer this amount to the next month.

My details

Hier können Sie jederzeit Ihre persönlichen Daten ändern

Bitte Vor- und Nachname angeben.
Bitte Strasse und Hausnummer angeben.
Bitte Postleitzahl und Stadt angeben.
Bitte Land eingeben.
Bitte eine gültige E-Mail angeben.
Gültige USt.Id oder leer lassen.
Geben Sie eine gültige IBAN-NR. an..


Hier finden Sie einige Beispiele, wie Sie unsere Produkte auf Ihrer Internetseite verlinken können. Gerne können Sie auch Produktbilder von unserer Internetseite im Zusammenhang mit Ihrer softwarenetz-Werbung verwenden.

Wählen Sie ein Produkt für das Sie werben möchten:

Textlink to the product page:
This is how it looks:
<a target='_blank' href='rechnungsprogramm.php?partnerid=283'>Softwarenetz Invoice</a>
Werbeblock für dieses Produkt:
This is how it looks:
<a href='' target='_blank' style='text-decoration: none; color:#303030;'><div style='display: flex; flex-direction:row; justify-content: flex-start; background-color:#ffffff;'><div><img src='' style='height:100px; width:auto;' border=0></div><div style='display:flex; flex-direction:column; justify-content: space-between; color:#303030; margin-left:0.5em; font-size:12pt; padding:0.5em;'><div style='font-size:12pt;'>Softwarenetz Invoice 10</div><div><span style='text-decoration:line-through;'>89,90 &#8364;</span><span style='font-size:14pt; color:#d02020; margin-left: 1.5em;'>88,90 &#8364;</div><div>Voucher: <b>71342322</b></div></div></div></a>
Textlink zur Homepage:
This is how it looks:
<a target='_blank' href='rechnungsprogramm.php?partnerid=283'></a>

Current open cash up:

Order Product Commission Amount
No orders found
Total 0,00 €

* After receival of the payment, orders will be shown.


Date Cash up Tax. Commission
29.06.2023 Cash up 121 19% 72,25 €
30.12.2016 Cash up 92 19% 21,65 €